Sunday, January 25, 2009

At The Risk [At the Risk] of Repetition

This past week, conversation in our little MEH blog ring has been dominated by nationalism, conservatism, and the critical theory behind modern national identity. From theories that globalization has redefined the boundaries of a nation to the idea that racial and linguistic differences have little to do with defining a nation, the most basic composition of our larger communities has come into question. In addition to this self-reflection on nations and nationalism, we have all started thinking more deeply about how the economy will affect our futures. Not all of us believe that the proletariat is truly willing or able to jump start the apocalypse, but the morose musings about the future of the bourgeoisie in class certainly got us thinking about Marx (also known as Mr. Presumes-A-Lot). From Bismarck to Engels, this week has been all about those larger philosophies in our lives, the ones that bind us together and define the political and social sensibilities of our generation.

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