Thursday, March 12, 2009

Nazism Today

Nazism is by no means dead. Although fascism is no longer popular and is usually considered taboo, there are still people who adhere to its doctrine. These (usually young) radicals are known to us colloquially as "skinheads," although their formal name is the Neo-Nazi Party. The Neo-Nazis are not quite organized enough to constitute a political group, and because of anti-totalitarian laws in Germany, radical representatives cannot get elected anyways. However, they still operate in fairly large numbers spread out all over the globe.

The following videos are excerpts from a Japanese anime series called "Black Lagoon" about a group of pirates running a shipping business in the Pacific Ocean. Although such a series seems unrelated to the topic at hand, the following three episodes deal directly with Neo-Nazism, classic fascism, and the racism that still exists in our modern world. It's also interesting to take into consideration the Japanese perspective, especially since Japan was well-respected by Hitler and supported him in WWII. WARNING: The following contains graphic violence, strong language, and fanservice. If the videos don't work, let me know and I will link you to others. (Yeah, I'm a geek.)

Black Lagoon Episode 5

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